
Showing posts from October, 2022

Racial and Social Justice Commission Calls for Water and Historical Graveyard Studies BEFORE Voting on the PW Digital Gateway

  The PW Digital Gateway is becoming a real problem for the Board of County Supervisors (BOCS). The Racial and Social Justice Commission shocked the county staff by passing two resolutions calling on the BOCS to consider all information -- including waiting until the needed studies are completed -- before voting on the data center proposal.  The BOCS has already heard from the Historical Commission, and this is another powerful voice asking that the brakes get pumped before a vote is taken that will create irreversible damage. ---------- CLICK ON THE SHARE BUTTON NEXT TO THE HEADLINE OF THIS BLOG POST TO SHARE IT TO YOUR FACEBOOK OR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS.

County Historical Commissioner calls PW Digital Gateway "an atrocious atrocity” and “a rape of Prince William County”

  It's difficult to conjure up a stranger story that what is playing out in the Board Chambers of the McCoart Building where the Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) appear to be ready to ram through approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) that will empower the destruction of more than 2,100 acres of the most precious historical land in America. While the BOCS has assumed the mantle of being the "applicants" -- and why not since the best attorneys money can buy and a slick PR firm pumping out nearly daily propaganda are promoting the destruction -- the appointees of the BOCS on the County Historical Commission have stayed true to their oath to defend citizens of the County are standing up to some of the wealthiest multi-national companies on the planet. One of the strange elements of the vote that played out -- and it was unanimous -- on the Historical Commission was the warning issued by the Occoquan Commissioner: Commissioner Jim Burgess, who represents the Occ...

Supervisor Bailey: Are You Listening?


Truth can prevail - And citizens can protect their communities

  Culpeper County Landowner Withdraws Rezoning Application for Data Center   The battle is the same in Prince William County as it is in Culpeper County. Big data center money from multi-national corporations corrupting the governments that are supposed to be protecting their citizens. But sometimes common sense, and the voices of citizens, prevail. It is the way it should be in Prince William County, but it's not. At least not yet.